Ontolog Forum
OpenOntologyRepository: Architecture & API Workshop-VI - Fri 2011_06_17
Topic: "OOR Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-VI"
Session Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider
Conference Call Details
- Date: Friday, 17-Jun-2011
- Start Time: 9:00pm EDT / 6:00am PDT / 3:00pm CEST / 2:00pm BST / 13:00 UTC
- ref: World Clock
- Expected Call Duration: 1.0~1.5 hours
- Dial-in Number:
- from a US telephone (US): +1-218-844-8060 (domestic long distance cost will apply)
- When calling in from a phone, use Conference ID: "4389979#"
- from Europe, call:
- Austria 0820-4000-1577
- Belgium 070-35-9992
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- Germany 01805-00-7642
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- callers from other countries please dial into either one of the US or European numbers
- In-session chat-room url: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/oor_20110617
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated, ... or simply just by adding yourself to the "Expected Attendee" list below (if you are a member of the team.)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_06_17
- Please note that this session may be recorded, and if so, the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content, along with the proceedings of the call to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy.
- Attended:
- Ken Baclawski (co-chair)
- JouniTuominen
- Tim Darr
- Leo Obrst
- Todd Schneider (co-chair)
- Michael Grüninger
- Ali Hashemi
- Expecting:
- Regrets:
Agenda Ideas
please insert any additional items below (along with your name for follow-up purposes)
- The specifications to be discussed at the these workshops are the following (not necessarily discussed in this order):
- the OOR Architecture
- the OOR API
- the Organizing Plan
- the default development platform
As a result of the two OOR Architecture and API panel sessions, we have seen a large number of architectures and APIs for ontology repositories. We have had requirements for the OOR, at least in broad outline form, since the Ontology Summit 2008. We have been running an OOR sandbox based on BioPortal. Most recently, we have forked from the BioPortal code base with the intention of proceeding separately with the development of a reference implementation.
The various architectures and APIs for ontology repositories are available at OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture
At this series of meetings, we are going through the process of producing the actual OOR specification. It will be run as a workshop where the straw man proposal will be discussed and modified as needed.
Here is the straw man architecture: OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture/Candidate03
In addition, there is an API of the core services that was obtained from BioPortal, which is not entirely compatible with the straw man architecture, but furnishes a starting point. This API will also be discussed and modified as needed.
Here is the API expressed in WSDL: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/kenb/oor/OORService.wsdl
Here is the API expressed in Java: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/kenb/oor/OORI.java
Finally, we need to agree on a plan for completing the development of the specification.
Here is the proposed organizing plan: OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture/GettingOrganized
We encourage all participants to update your candidate contributions to ensure your ideas are known and understood.
The following are relevant prior meetings:
- Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-V - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_20
- Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-IV - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_04_22
- Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-III - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_25
- Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-II - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_11
- Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-I - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_04
- 2011.02.04 discussion
- 2010_11_19 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion - "(Post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - Take-II" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Michael Grüninger - Panelists: KenBaclawski+ToddSchneider, AldoGangemi+AlessandroAdamou, JouniTuominen+KimViljanen, Eric Chan - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_11_19
- 2010_10_15 - Friday: OOR Project Team Member Conference Call - discussion on the (post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_10_15
Agenda & Proceedings
1. Meeting called to order:
- Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider took the chair and welcome everyone
- review and adopt agenda
- Ken Baclawski volunteered to keep a record of the proceedings
2. Roll Call & Adoption of last meeting's minutes:
- see above
3. Key items for review and discussion today:
- "OOR Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-VI:" (Archives)
- Gatekeeping specifies the a set of minimal requirements that any ontology within the OOR has to meet. The latter are intended to enable the users of the OOR to find quickly ontologies that fit their needs; the criteria are not supposed to ensure the quality of the ontologies.
- Each OOR instance declares what ontology languages it supports.
- Every OOR instance MUST support RDFS.
- This is required because the metadata is expressed in OMV.
- OMV is written in OWL, but it may be sufficient to require only RDFS. This needs to be investigated.
- Other ontology languages MAY be supported.
- For each metadata attribute, it will be specified whether it is required or optional.
- It MUST be specified whether the ontology is available (or to be available in the future).
- The ontology language MUST be specified.
- Other attributes will be handled offline by Michael Grüninger based on the OMV specification.
- An ontology must satisfy other requirements depending on the ontology language.
- Syntax checking is always required.
- Consistency checking is required with some time limit.
- [ chat transcript of the session]
- Todd Schneider: 4. Quality and Gatekeeping. We distinguish between gatekeeping and quality control. Gatekeeping criteria are a set of minimal requirements that any ontology within the OOR has to meet. The latter are intended to enable the users of the OOR to find quickly ontologies that fit their needs; the criteria are not supposed to ensure the quality of the ontologies.
- Todd Schneider: Gatekeeping impacts metadata
- Todd Schneider: Gatekeeping will need to vet the metadata to ensure entrance criteria are met.
- Todd Schneider: Syntax checking is the responsibility of the language module.
- Todd Schneider: Each
- Todd Schneider: Each OOR instance must declare the representation languages
- Todd Schneider: Each OOR instance must declare the representation language module it spports.
- Todd Schneider: Will OOR Metadata be represented in OWL?
- Todd Schneider: Every OOR shall support RDF
- Tim Darr: I do not see why metadata would need to support OWL. RDF should be sufficient.
- Todd Schneider: Correction: Every OOR shall support RDFs
- Tim Darr: RDFS, I should say.
- Todd Schneider: OMV is written in OWL
- Tim Darr: I don't think that OMV really takes advantage of OWL features.
- Todd Schneider: Tim, I don't know if Michael is reading the chat.
- Tim Darr: OK, I have a bad connection and am just putting in my two cents.
- Michael Grüninger: From Chapter 5 of the OMV Report 2.4.1: As aforementioned, OMV is formalized as an OWL ontology.
- Tim Darr: sorry - i just lost my connection. will call back
- Tim Darr: Let me ask my question here (cell phone connection is bad).
- Todd Schneider: Gatekeeping criteria will include an attribute to indicate whether the ontology exists or the metadata represents an advertisement.
- Tim Darr: Are we assuming that the ontology (files) will be physically present in the repo, or can the repo contain the URL of the ontology that a user can use to access the ontology?
- Todd Schneider: The location of the actual ontology is the responsibility of Administration.
- Tim Darr: Thanks! I am back on the call, but cell phone signal is not good.
- Tim Darr: Gone again ...
- Todd Schneider: Metadata needs to include an attribute for the 'availability' of the ontology
- Todd Schneider: 'Location' of the ontology must be provided.
- Todd Schneider: Representation language of the ontology is a required attribute.
- Todd Schneider: Michael will provide a preliminary list of required metadata attributes.
- Todd Schneider: Submission process will be asynchronous
- Todd Schneider: Minimal language dependency submission is syntax validation
- Todd Schneider: Consistency checking, to some extent, will be required for submission
- Todd Schneider: Need an attribute to represent that it is consistent, which then will require another field to identify the reasoner used to do the consistency checking
- Todd Schneider: Ken has already developed the gatekeeper module which should provide enough to specify it for OOR
- Todd Schneider: Ken's gatekeeper module already has a mechanism to configure the registration workflow for a community
3.0) Adopting (formally) the work from the last workshop, modulo any discussion/modifications entered on the wiki page.
3.1) Resolve / Finalize the first method proposed
... items below are mostly from the previous workshop, and will be updated as this session progresses.
Consensus, Conclusions & Follow-up Actions:
4. Any Other Business:
5. Action items:
- Michael Grüninger will examine the OMV to determine which attributes are required and which are optional.
- Ken Baclawski will send KEEPER (the gatekeeping software) to Todd Schneider who will generate the UML.
6. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn:
- Next Meeting:
- Session on ISO 19763 with Elisa Kendall [chair: MichaelGruninger] to be scheduled
- 2011_07_01 Friday: regular OOR Team meeting
- 2011_07_08 Friday: Architecture & API Workshop-VII [co-chair: Ken Baclawski & ToddSchneider] ??
- Call adjourned at: 7:00 am PDT
- homepage - OpenOntologyRepository - http://OpenOntologyRepository.org
- OOR Charter - To promote the global use and sharing of ontologies by: 1. establishing a hosted registry-repository; 2. enabling and facilitating open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories; 3. establishing best practices for expressing interoperable ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories.
- "Ontology Repository" Definition - "An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed"
- Team mailling list:
- OOR-Team discussion: [ oor-forum ] message archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-forum/
- OOR-Users discussion and support: [ oor-users ] message archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-users/
- Developers mailling list: [ oor-dev ] message archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-dev/
- proceedings of our previous meetings, panel discussions and workshops
- the Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussions:
- 2008_02_28 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "Ontology Registry and Repository Technology & Infrastructure Landscape" - Co-chairs: Leo Obrst & Frank Olken; Panelists: Bruce Bargmeyer, Mike Dean, Mark Musen, Farrukh Najmi & Peter P. Yim - ConferenceCall_2008_02_28
- 2008_03_27 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "An Open Ontology Repository: Rationale, Expectations & Requirements - Session-1" - Chair: Leo Obrst & Fabian Neuhaus; Panelists: William Bug, Evan Wallace, JohnLMcCarthy, Ken Baclawski, Peter Benson & Rex Brooks - ConferenceCall_2008_03_27
- 2008_04_03 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "An Open Ontology Repository: Rationale, Expectations & Requirements - Session-2" - Chair: Leo Obrst & Fabian Neuhaus; Panelists: Doug Lenat, Deke Smith, Marcia Zeng, Denise Bedford, Pat Hayes, Mala Mehrotra & Rob Raskin - ConferenceCall_2008_04_03
- 2008_04_10 - Thursday: Joint OOR-OntologySummit2008 Panel Discussion: "Developing an Ontology of Ontologies for OOR" - Co-chairs: Barry Smith & Michael Grüninger; Panelists: Michael Grüninger, Peter Haase, Natasha Noy & Elisa Kendall - ConferenceCall_2008_04_10
- the OOR Development panel sessions:
- 2008_08_22 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion: "Getting OOR Development Off the Ground: Identifying Synergies & Gaps" (Take-1) - Chair: Leo Obrst; Panelists: Mike Dean, Mark Musen, Li Ding, Bruce Bargmeyer & Bill Andersen - ConferenceCall_2008_08_22
- 2009_02_19 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "Getting OOR Development Off the Ground (Take-2): the work begins" - Chair: Todd Schneider; Panelists: Mark Musen, Natasha Noy, Mike Dean, Paul Buitelaar / Andreas Harth, Mathieu Daquin, Ken Baclawski, Michael Grüninger - ConferenceCall_2009_02_19
- 2009_07_16 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "Integrated tools for ontology development and management: A field guide to the Stanford technology" - Chair: Mark Musen - Panelists: Tania Tudorache, Tim Redmond, Natasha Noy - ConferenceCall_2009_07_16
- 2009_07_30 - Thursday: Joint Ontolog-OOR Panel Discussion: "BioPortal and related Ontology Repository Implementations and Development" (Take-3) - Chair: Natasha Noy - Panelists: Carlos Rueda, Paul Alexander, John Graybeal, Mike Dean, StephenGranite, AlexGarcia, Ken Baclawski - ConferenceCall_2009_07_30
- 2010_02_19 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion: "Coordinating our Open Ontology Repository Software Development" - Chair: Mike Dean - Panelists: Jim Chatigny, Michael Grüninger, Ken Baclawski, Natasha Noy - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_02_19
- 2010_04_01 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog Panel Session: "OOR Use Cases - Take-3" - Chair: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - Panelists: Todd Schneider, Matthew Hettinger, Ken Baclawski and Máximo Gurméndez - ConferenceCall_2010_04_01
- 2010_09_10 - Friday: Joint SIO-OOR-Ontolog Panel Discussion: "Common Logic (CL) Support for OOR" - Chair: John F. Sowa - Panelists: JohnBateman-TillMossakowski, Michael Grüninger, Cameron Ross, Adam Pease, Pat Hayes - ConferenceCall_2010_09_10
- 2010_09_17 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion - "Getting OOR Development Going - Take-IV" Workshop - Co-chairs: Todd Schneider & Michael Grüninger - Panelists: Todd Schneider, Mike Dean, Natasha Noy, Immanuel Normann, Ken Baclawski, Michael Grüninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_09_17
- 2010_10_15 - Friday: OOR Project Team Member Conference Call - discussion on the (post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_10_15
- 2010_11_19 - Friday: OOR Panel Discussion - "(Post-BioPortal fork) OOR Architecture and API - Take-II" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Michael Grüninger - Panelists: KenBaclawski+ToddSchneider, AldoGangemi+AlessandroAdamou, JouniTuominen+KimViljanen, Eric Chan - OOR/ConferenceCall_2010_11_19
- 2011_03_04 - Friday: OOR "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-I" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_04
- 2011_03_11 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-II" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_11
- 2011_03_18 - Friday: OOR Metadata Workshop-I - Chair: Michael Grüninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_18
- 2011_03_25 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-III" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_03_25
- 2011_04_22 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-IV" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_04_22
- 2011_05_13 - Friday: OOR Metadata Workshop-II - Chair: Michael Grüninger - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_13
- 2011_05_20 - Friday: OOR - "Architecture & API Specification Development Workshop-V" - Co-chairs: Ken Baclawski & Todd Schneider - OOR/ConferenceCall_2011_05_20
- the OOR-IPR mini-series:
- 2010_09_09 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-1: an exposition on relevant IPR regimes - Keynote speaker: George Strawn - Chair: Peter P. Yim - Panelists: JamieClark, John Wilbanks, Bruce Perens - ConferenceCall_2010_09_09
- 2010_09_16 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-2: what are the IPR issues relating to open ontology repositories (and ontologies in general)? - Chair: Mark Musen - Panelists: Cameron Ross, Alan Rector, John F. Sowa, Bruce Perens, John Wilbanks, Peter P. Yim - ConferenceCall_2010_09_16
- 2010_09_30 - Thursday: Joint OOR-Ontolog-NCBO-CC-IAOA-OASIS Panel Discussion - "IPR issues in Ontology and the OOR" session-3: discussion and consensus on licensing arrangements for the OOR Initiative, and positions we might take on related IPR issues - chair: Leo Obrst - Panelists: Peter P. Yim, Mike Dean, Bruce Perens, JamieClark - ConferenceCall_2010_09_30
- OntologySummit2008 homepage
- OntologySummit2008_Communique
- OntologySummit2008/FaceToFaceAgenda & Proceedings
- The OOR Project Presentation (delivered at the Ontology Summit 2008 face-to-face workshop)
- [ ontology-summit ] discussion archives - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontology-summit/2008-01/ (~5 months exchanges starting from Jan-2008)
- Our key content pages:
- OpenOntologyRepository_Scope
- OpenOntologyRepository_Organization
- OpenOntologyRepository_Process
- OpenOntologyRepository_Policy
- OpenOntologyRepository_IPR
- OpenOntologyRepository_Requirement
- OpenOntologyRepository_UseCases
- OpenOntologyRepository_Architecture
- OpenOntologyRepository_Approach
- OpenOntologyRepository_Roadmap
- OpenOntologyRepository_Plan
- OpenOntologyRepository_Funding
- OpenOntologyRepository_ResearchIssues
- OpenOntologyRepository_ResearchActivity
- OpenOntologyRepository_Development
- OpenOntologyRepository_Metadata
- OOR/ActiveMemberContribution
- OOR Project site at SemWebCentral - http://oor.semwebcentral.org
- Public sandbox instance of OOR (OOR-sandbox) - http://sandbox.oor.net/ontologies (previously http://oor-01.cim3.net/ontologies)
- OOR_SandBox
- NCBO - BioPortal
- NCBO-OOR development documentation - http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php/NCBO-OOR_Development