Ontolog Forum
[ontolog] Member Conference Call - Thu 2006-05-25
Conference Call Details
- Subject: [ontolog] member conference call Thu 2006-05-25
- Date: Thursday, May 25, 2006
- Start Time: 10:30 AM PDT / 1:30 PM EDT / 17:30 UTC World Clock
- Expected Call Duration: 1 ~ 1.5 hour
- Dial-in Number: 1-641-696-6600 (Iowa)
- Participant Access Code: "686564#"
- Agenda Comments:
- please post any suggested agenda items to the call wiki page and upload any material to be shared to the list, to the wiki or by [[ToolsCollaboration|WebDAV] upload] prior to the meeting
- VNC session (if needed) will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/
- view-only password: "ontolog"
- view-and-control pw: to be supplied during session as needed
- Wiki page for this call (i.e. this page) is at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_25
- Attended:
- Bob Smith (session chair)
- Rex Brooks
- Peter P. Yim
- Denise Bedford
- Steve Ray
- Kurt Conrad
- Pat Heinig
- Expecting:
- Lisa Colvin
- ...(add your name here)...
- Regrets:
Agenda Ideas (candidate items to be adopted into the agenda for discussion)
- Bob Smith: discussions on the OntologTaxoThesaurus project to take it forward
- Peter P. Yim / EMichaelMaximilien: need to finalize on the "Ontologizing Ontolog Discussion Session-2" date
- ...(add suggested items here)...
Agenda & Proceedings
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda
- Bob Smith took the chair and welcomed everyone.
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes
- Peter P. Yim volunteered
3) Roll-call of participants
- see above
4) Upcoming meeting & event schedule (near future)
- Peter P. Yim / EMichaelMaximilien: need to finalize on the "Ontologizing Ontolog Discussion Session-2" date
- EMichaelMaximilien: will move the date to Jul 6, 2006
- Max will provide the title and abstract by Wed 5/31/06 ... that will also provide Max & Conor the grounding to invite people
- Instead, on June 15, 2006, the OntologTaxoThesaurus team will put together a project work session ... soliciting domain experts to participate
- Scheduled Ontolog Events:
- Continuation of our "Ontologizing the Ontolog Body of Knowledge" series of talks & discussions - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-05/msg00019.html
- Thu Jun. 1, 2006 - Matthew West - on "ISO 18876 - integration of industrial data for exchange access and sharing (IIDEAS)" - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-04/msg00092.html & ConferenceCall_2006_06_01
- Thu 2006.06.15 - "Ontologizing the Ontolog Body of Knowledge" Discussion Session-2 - Moderators (organizers): EMichaelMaximilien & Conor Shankey
- Thu 2006.06.29 - Tim Redmond - "Protege Architecture and API" (a session for applications developers)
- Thu 2006.07.13 - Pat Cassidy - "From Controlled Vocabulary to Standard Ontologies" (from the perspective of a formal ontologist)
- Thu 2006.07.23 - Ontolog F2F Meeting and Workshop colocated with the 9th Protege International Conference (Stanford, CA) - Organizers: Bob Smith & Kurt Conrad
- we'll hopefully be arranging more functions during this community F2F gathering and the almost weeklong Conference
- organizers now changed to Bob Smith, Kurt Conrad & Rex Brooks
- Thu 2006.08.10 - SOA Panel Discussion (covering SOA-RM & SOA-RA) - Moderators (organizers): Duane Nickull & Rex Brooks
- Thu 2006.08.31 - Ontology Applications in Emergency Response Panel Discussion - Moderators (organizers): Rex Brooks & Bob Smith
- Upcoming Events of interest
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues - no discussion
6) Follow-ups from previous calls
- Engaging UN/CEFACT
- Kurt: suggest we schedule a UN/CEFACT-ONTOLOG joint teleconference (hopefully on a Thursday) so that we can do a focused discussion
- will need to follow-up with BillMcCarthy & Anders Tell
- Rex: there will be a joint OASIS-ITU conference in Oct. 2006 (UN/CEFACT & ebXML is related somehow)
- Kurt: suggest we schedule a UN/CEFACT-ONTOLOG joint teleconference (hopefully on a Thursday) so that we can do a focused discussion
- Should we have a joint presence at OIS2006? - OIS2006: 1st International Workshop on Ontologizing Industrial Standards
- this is exactly what we said we'll strive to do on our charter! - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB
- November 6-9, 2006 - Tucson, Arizona, USA - colocated with the 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2006)
- see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-03/msg00020.html & http://events.deri.at/ois2006/
- EMichaelMaximilien is in contact with some of these people ... he can help relay questions if we have any
- conflict with 5th International Semantic Web Conference (same week, but in Athens, Georgia)
- abstract deadline is May 1, 2006 (so we still have some time to get organized if we want to really do something)
- this is definitely relevant to us ... let's think things over and come back for more discussion at the next call
7) Current Project Status Report
- Status CctRepresentation and UblOntology project work
- Status of ProtegeKIF project work
- status of NHIN-RFI & Health-Ont project work
- status of OntologTaxoThesaurus project work - see discussion under item 8
- UBL liaison report
- SICoP / ONTAC liaison report
- NCOR relationship - pending
- Planning team report
8) Key Issues discussion:
- OntologWorkshop_July_2006 organizing committee report & discussion
- Ontolog Face to Face Workshop see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologWorkshop_July_2006
- Key Dates and Expectations, Contingencies (May 29th deadline extensions?)
- Recruiting efforts
- Program Committee-Social Committee Logistics and Wiki Support
- Etc.
- Denise will probably be able to join us at the July 23 face-to-face
- Bob will arrange to send her an 'invitation'
- Steve will consider having people from NIST come join us at the F2F (Rex suggests KC Morris, if possible)
- Peter: will try to invite SRI people over, since they are going through an exercise rather similar to ours (which culminates in the 7/23 F2F)
- had some discussion on cadidate participants to the 2F
- may need to extend the 6/29 CFP
- need to recruit a champion to work with Kurt and Rex for scheduling some social activities and otehr meetings
- candidates: Stanford SMI, KSL; SRI-AI-Lab, EPRI, IBM-Almaden Research Center, PARC; company with Doug Engelbart;
- Ontolog Face to Face Workshop see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologWorkshop_July_2006
- OntologTaxoThesaurus project discussion
- Bob Smith: OntologTaxoThesaurus Progress and Challenges
- Denise's earlier questions about Scope, Methods, Audience;
- Progress report: Inventory, Sketch 1 of current "Wiki Taxonomy", Concept Abstraction, "Deliverables"
- see:
- see:
- Thesaurus Features needed for target audience(s)?
- also Denise Bedford deliverables - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/
- inventoried about 65,000 items -- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/ontolog-cwe-inventory-map_dbedford_20060514a.xls
- raw concepts, with concept extraction tools) --
- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/Ontology_Concepts_Document_Subset--DeniseBedford_20060525.txt &
- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/Ontolog_PowerPoint_Concept_Subset--DeniseBedford_20060525.txt
- have yet to do this for the html files
- will then categorize
- and identify topics with domain experts
- can then send them through a clustering tool
- what shall/can we do with this?
- (a) gets us better searchable content, and
- (b) strucure the content in a topical manner
- Round-robin discussion of "What would you like to have...??"
- Next Conf Call?
- Etc. ... Other comments:
- Rex: I think this captures a solid footing in a ground-up approach that gives us a sound viewpoint for developing a top down structure
- Bob Smith: OntologTaxoThesaurus Progress and Challenges
9) New project proposals
10) Sponsorship and funding
11) Other business
12) Next meeting date and adjourn
- Our next meeting/call will be next Thu 2006.06.01 - with invited speaker Matthew West - see: ConferenceCall_2006_06_01
- this call adjourned 11:43 am PDT
minutes captured in real time on this wiki by Peter P. Yim / 2006.05.25-11:44am PDT