Ontolog Forum
[ontolog] Member Conference Call - Thu 2007-06-21
- Key Topic: OntologTaxoThesaurus Project Update
- Session Co-Chair: Bob Smith & Denise Bedford
Conference Call Details
- Date: Thursday, June 21, 2007
- Start Time: 10:30am PDT / 1:30pm EDT / 6:30pm BST / 17:30 GMT/UTC
- ref: World Clock
- Expected Call Duration: ~1.0 hours
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- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2007_06_21
- Attended:
- Expecting:
... (please insert your name above or RSVP by e-mailing <peter.yim@cim3.com> offline)
- Regrets:
Agenda Ideas
... (please insert your ideas below)
- Ken Baclawski: incorporating the Ontology Summit 2007 survey findings - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontologizing/2007-05/msg00000.html and ConferenceCall_2007_06_21/SurveySummary
- PaolaDiMaio: suggest developing a glossary that meets certain requirements
- Bob Smith: INFORMAL Updates from prior Sessions:
- Purpose and Objectives
- Methodology, Milestones, and Tasks
- Required Artifacts and their Locations / Functions
- Incorporating the Survey Findings with the Frameworks (Peter Brown's & Tom Gruber's & Others)
- Future participants, roles, and milestones
Agenda & Proceedings
Ref. OntologTaxoThesaurus
- 1. Welcome (DeniseBedford and BobSmith)
- 2. Where are we now? (Purposes, Goals, Objectives)
- Denise - show how semantic tools to improve access; create controlled reference sources (which some people may call 'ontologies')
- ran 'coast'and build an inventory of our Ontolog site content (~65,000 items)
- ran content extraction, listing (noun-phrase) 'concepts' and cluster them into 'ontology domains' (this was done at the 2006 Protege workshop)
- after the workshop, Bob came up with 'facets'
- I have a set of guiding principals from where I work, and have obtained permission to share them
- also working on (at work) the Teragram manuals - could circulate draft for optional review
- can add to the profile: extraction of people 'names' and 'institution' referenced
- looking to have Aj Chen join us with his Lucene (search) expertise
- Bob
- 'governance' aspects would be important
- will circulate the 'framework' that Denise has worked on recently
- Ken
- clear to me when doing the summit survey analysis, the data gets complicated quickly ... we need an ontology
- see: ConferenceCall_2007_06_21/SurveySummary - which shows a list of the OntologySummit2007_Survey Artifacts
- Peter - maybe we should revisit our project scope, deliverables and plans again, now that everything have progressed since we working on this project
- Lisa
- Kathleen
- Rex
- Mike
- besides Lucene, suggest also looking at the 'solr' search engine, a outgrowth of Lucene, which will support faceted browsing - see: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/
- look into working with the W3C linked data group
- would like to go offline and discuss what it takes to go to RDF & SKOS
- will need to subscribe Mike to the [ontologizing] list so we can continue the dialog there
- Doug - annotating to allow better access to the Ontolog invited talks would be useful
- Paola (in absentia) - suggest developing a glossary that meets certain requirements:
- an online updatable 'open' resource that can be used as stable reference (lots of knowledge would otherwise get lost)
- while to some extent 'validation' by an editorial committee would be useful, equally useful would be the research aspect aimed at collecting perspectives and definitions in use de fact. This practically means that users should be able to interact with the words,
- a page to gather such resources, for eample pat cassidy's page as well as bobs and denises pages, and other related ones (this means that I, in search for meaning of not so self descriptive words, may be able to look up more than one reference by consulting our page of 'resources')
- a long term view to integrate disparate resoruces for the purpose of consolidating a common vocabulary
- Denise - show how semantic tools to improve access; create controlled reference sources (which some people may call 'ontologies')
across parallel sectors (w3? oasis? ieee? anyone else out there?)
- further input at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2007-06/msg00427.html
- All
- 3. What needs to be done next?
- Easy stuff
- Other stuff
- 4. Any Team Schedule and Collaboration Options Issues?
- Summer realities
- New Search Fetures
- Wiki Tables?
- 5. Other Open Topics
- Bob will circulate an update to everyone based on today's input and further conversation with Denise
- 6. Adjourn - 12:01pm PDT