
Ontolog Forum

Ontology Summit 2007: OntologySummit2007_Process proposal-2

A 6-Step Process

  • 1. Identify constituency representative
  • 2. collect ontology (or ontology-related) terms used in each constituency
    • with a specific e-mail thread for each constituency
      • use of the e-mail forum may help reduce duplication of efforts
  • 3. collect representative ontology (or ontology-like) artifacts from each constituency
    • with a specific e-mail thread for each constituency
      • use of the e-mail forum may help reduce duplication of efforts
  • 4. Constructing a categorization / typology framework[4]   
  • 5. Categorize   
  • 6. Authoring the Communique   

Resource & References

[1] different constituencies - see under here

[2] survey - sample of a completed survey that may augment the above process - see: released survey

[3] ontology (or ontology-like) artifacts for each constituency - see sample below

    • we need both name and version (as different versions of the artifact with the same name may be placed differently in the categorization framework, and hence their typology may differ

[4] categorization / typology framework - see: OntologySummit2007_FrameworksForConsideration

Updating from the Survey draft-1 with our ConferenceCall_2007_02_15 and subsequent input. Key changes include: (ref. discussion)

  • we ask representatives from each constituency:
    • what value do they see "ontology" bringing to their work
    • what issues have been encountered
      • specific problems they need help with
      • how they envision those problem can be resolved (say, on a community scale)
    • On the ontology or ontology-like artifacts, we try to capture (ref. AlanBond's post):
      • 1. The community or communities, who have knowledge of the subject, express the ideas and use the knowledge.
      • 2. The theory or language which is used to express the knowledge.
      • 3. The expressed and codified knowledge and its applications in the field.
  • we make the survey a (at least) 2-round exercise
    • Round-1: done mainly with the survey form -- we try to:
      • engage 'conveners' (get people to respond first ... therefore, respondants should be able to get through the survey quickly.)
      • have them identify the constituency (constituencies) they are representing
        • we encourage people who straddle multiple constituencies return more than one completed form
      • for each individual constituency: attempt to capture the 'value', 'issues', 'specific problem' where help is needed, and 'envisaged community solutions'.
      • optionally, try to identify the very conspicuous 'ontology or ontology-like artifacts' for a constituency
        • and possibly they likely will those artifacts be referred to as 'ontologies' within the lingo of the various communities
    • Round-2 will be conducted after we manage to identify and associate representatives to various constituencies. We will then:
      • enumerate the 'ontology or ontology-like artifacts' (for each constitutency)
      • get referenced 'definitions' of what an 'ontology' means to specific constituency (or communities therein)
    • Subsequent Rounds will be conducted in order to place survey entities into the adopted framework (which has been developed in parallel)

Survey questions (Draft-2)

1. Respondent information - (date, name, organization*, e-mail*, phone*)

(Note that the nominal Ontolog IPR policy will apply.

  • except as confirmed under item 6, respondents are providing their input as individuals, and not

as representives of their employers or organizations they are affiliated with, when providing

their input in this survey. Organization names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers are collected

to facilitate follow-up only. They will remain private and not be published.)

2a. Constituency affiliation

[ ] Formal ontology communities

[ ] Semantic Web communities

[ ] Concept Map community

[ ] Topic Map community

[ ] SEARCH communities

[ ] Web 2.0 communities

[ ] Thesauri community

[ ] Taxonomy communities

[ ] Metadata communities

[ ] XML communities

[ ] Applications Development, Software Engineering and Information Model communities

[ ] System Architecture communities

[ ] Biomedical communities

[ ] Standards Development communities

2b. Specific community (sub-constituency) you are affiliated with.

2c. Expertise self-assessment (wrt. the constituency or sub-constituency)

  • 1 = informed layman
  • 2 = practitioner
  • 3 = expert

3. Bringing 'ontology' or 'ontological engineering' to your constituency (or sub-constituency):

  • 3a. What 'value' does 'ontology' or 'ontological engineering' bring to your constituency (or sub-constituency)?
  • 3b. what are the 'issues' being encountered in bringing 'ontology' or 'ontological engineering' into your community?
  • 3c. can you state 'specific problem(s)' that help is needed on?
  • 3d. can you suggest (technology or community) solution(s) to the issue(s) mentioend above?

4. Ontology-related Vocabulary and Artifacts from your community

  • Term
  • Gloss
  • Source Reference - (cite papers etc.; URL; point to section/paragraph if possible)
  • Representative Artifact - (Name, version)
  • Likelihood that some may refer to this as "ontology"
    • (enter a number from 0~9: where, 0 = totally unlikely; 5 = some would; 9 = almost always )
  • Comments

(repeat, say, 8 times, allowing multiple item entries on the form)

6. Confirmation of participation:


a 'convener' is a participants who is making substantive contribution to the discourse, workshops

and the written communique for Ontology Summit 2007, and

a 'co-sponsor' is an organization who is providing technical or funding support (e.g. supporting

member(s) of its technical staff to participate as a 'convener'), and/or endorsing

the objective of this Ontology Summit 2007,

[ ] I agree that my name can be listed as a 'convener' of Ontology Summit 2007

[ ] I will consider endorsing the Ontology Summit 2007 communique. Please send it to me

for review when it is ready. I will confirm my endorsement after the review.

[ ] I confirm that you may list my organization as a 'co-sponsor' for Ontology Summit 2007

Name of Organization: _____________ Link to Logo: _______________

Remarks: if a participant chooses to be in more than one team (represented in more than one constituency), he/she will complete and return more than one survey.

Various iterations of our survey form


(the version with the latest version/date stamp is the currently released version.)

Released Survey: