
Ontolog Forum

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Emergency Response Ontology Links provided by BrandKNiemann

Job Description

  • Observation: Tools listed under Job Description namely, Metis, System Architect, Provision are EA tools. More clarification is needed for the Ontology modeling tools that are needed and the relative job aspects that are Enterprise Architecture and\or Ontology Modeling.

Janary 25 Ontolog Conference Call

  • The January 25 Ontolog Conference Call Topic on Ontology Applications in Emergency Response is helpful background relevant to this position Emergency Response Conference Call

Following recent e-mail threads titled Emergence and Response Ontology addressed need for community input

Following Community Resources request broader input on Emergency Reponse Ontologies

  • NIST Ontology Summit 2007, Ontology, Taxonomy, Folksonomy, Understanding the Distinctions, April 23 and 24: NIST Ontology Summit
  • NCOR call for public-domain ontologies relevant to emergency resonse (deadline July 15) November 28 and 29: OIC 2007

Mills Davis collected feedback on the Top 5 Ontology Driven Applications

  • See following comments by Sam Chance, SAIC, Rex Brooks, Starbourne, Dean Allemag, Topquadrant on Top-5 List of Semantic Applications and Emergency Management: Chance, Brooks, and Alemag Comments