
Ontolog Forum

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Alternative Meeting Agendas

...proposed during preparations

Tuesday 3/14/06

Another Draft Agenda (--AdamPease)

Tuesday - 8:30am

  • Purposes:

(1) Introduce the three formal upper ontologies (2) Propose a joint public statement (3) Organize a proposal for joint funded work

  • 8:30am Nicola Guarino - DOLCE (with Barry and Aldo if desired)
  • 9:30am Doug Lenat - Cyc
  • 10:30am NIST Plenary
  • 12 lunch
  • 1 Adam Pease - SUMO
  • 2 work on a specific public statement - facilitated by Steve Ray
  • 3 discussion of merits and methods for relating the upper


  • 5 work on a specific white paper executive summary for proposal
  • 6 adjourn
  • 7pm dinner

Yet Another Draft Agenda (--JohnBateman)

Tuesday - 8:30am

  • Purposes:

(1) Introduce approaches and methodologies to UO (2) Highlight issues (for and against) ontology interrelationships (3) Propose a joint public statement (4) Organize a proposal for joint funded work

  • 8:30 sign-in
  • 8:32 am-10:30 am 8 x position statements (15mins) focusing on:

starting points, methodologies, orientation to relating to and with other UO's, results so far/experiences

  • 10:30am - 12am XXX
  • 12 lunch
  • 13-15:30 slots on particular methods and case analyses for relating ontologies, options (common subset vs./and interrelations): Doug Lenat, Michael Gruninger, Till Mossakowski, Adam Pease, Pat Cassidy, all?
  • 15:30 work on a specific public statement - facilitated by Steve Ray
  • 17:00 work on a specific white paper executive summary for proposal
  • 18 adjourn
  • 7pm dinner

Wednesday 3/15/06 Morning

Earlier DRAFT Agenda (as of March 8, 2006)

9:00 AM - Welcome and Introductions, Brand Niemann, SICoP Chair

  • Upper Ontologists
  • Ontologists
  • Vendors
  • Knowledge Management Working Group
  • Others

9:30 AM - The Upper Ontology: Examples and Marketplace, Mills Davis, Project10X, SICoP Module 2 White paper Lead, "Semantic Wave 2006: Executive Guide to the Business Value of Semantic Technologies", and NCOR Outreach Committee (see Wiki) (confirmed)

  • Brief Summary of Previous Day Discusssions
  • "What's the business story here" that would motivate organizations to make investments. I think the solution is to link upper level ontology efforts with issues of national and international significance. Enabling the growth of scientific knowledge, the interoperability of information and systems over networks, and the sharing of information and knowledge across cultures are three such challenges. It may be a bit much to call them "killer apps" for upper level ontology, but in a macro sense, that is what they are:
    • 1. We're developing the scientific method for in-silico science.
    • 2 . We're laying comprehensive theoretical and practical foundations for network, system, and information interoperability to power global economic expansion.
    • 3. We're synthesizing the theoretical and practical foundations for multi-lingual computing.
  • Open Discussion (most of the time spent on this)
    • How have Upper Ontologies Been Used?
    • How can Upper Ontologies Be Incorporated in the Ontology Infrastructure (Editors, Platform, Applications, etc.)?
    • How Can We Work with a Subset, An Intersection of Upper Ontologies from this Summit?
    • Other Questions?

10:30 AM BREAK

10:45 AM - Panel Discussion of Ontology Infrastructure Representatives: Moderator, TBA


1 PM Upper Ontology Summit Begins

Another DRAFT Agenda (--AdamPease)

  • Purposes: (1) Introduce other schemas, models and taxonomies as well as

formal non-upper ontologies (2) Discuss how these models could use a formal upper ontology

  • 8:00 Michael Gruninger - PSL
  • 9:00 Matthew West - ISO 11179
  • 10:00 John Bateman - Breman ontologies
  • 11:00 Dave McComb - GIST
  • 12:00 lunch

Wednesday 3/15/06 Afternoon

Another Draft Agenda (--AdamPease)

  • Purposes: (1) Introduce the public and press to formal upper ontology

(2) Present the joint work of the previous sessions to the public

  • 1pm Adam Pease - SUMO
  • 1:30pm Nicola Guarino - DOLCE (with Barry and Aldo if desired)
  • 2pm Doug Lenat - Cyc
  • 2:30pm Presentation of the joint statement - Steve Ray
  • 3:00pm Panel discussion - Lenat, Pease, Guarino
  • 4:30pm open discussion
  • 5pm adjourn