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Number 29
Duration 1 hour
Date/Time March 07 2016 16:30 GMT
8:30 PST/11:30 EST
4:30pm GMT/5:30pm CET
Convener MikeBennett

IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG

Meetings are normally on the first Monday of the month at these times.


The main agenda item this week is to see if we have enough submissions for the Special Edition and start allocating reviewers for the papers that have been submitted. Please note that all members of this SIG are potential reviewers.


  • Issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology
    • Status update: papers received
    • Allocate reviewers for submitted papers
  • Other Things
    • Update on the SWAO Blog
    • Access issues for blog
  • AOB
  • Next Meeting


[11:35] MikeBennett:

  • Agenda:
  1. Issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology
    1. Status update: papers received
    2. Allocate reviewers for submitted papers
  1. Housekeeping
    1. The new wiki at is done
    2. SWAO Web area - actions needed to bring this up to date
  1. Other Things
    1. Update on the SWAO Blog
    2. Access issues for blog
  1. AOB

[11:53] MikeBennett: Page count: We have about 95 pages between 5 papers.

[11:53] MikeBennett: Vol 10 #1 is also a special issue - has 3 papers, total 63 pages.

[11:55] MikeBennett: Issue 2 of vol 10 has 91 pages of articles.

[12:01] MikeBennett:

  • SWAO Subscriber List
  • As at 13/5/2014 minus Mike Dean and Naicong Li (changed address not got)
    • Andrea Westerinen arwesterinen at
    • Brandon Whitehead b.whitehead at
    • Elie Abi-Lahoud e.abilahoud at
    • Frank Loebe frank.loebe at
    • Gary Berg-Cross gbergcross at
    • Bill Hogan hoganwr at
    • Ken Baclawski kenb at
    • Leo Obrst lobrst at
    • Mike Bennett mbennett at
    • Peter Yim peter.yim at
    • Robert trypuz robert at
    • Stefano Borgo stefano.borgo at
    • Todd Schneider tjschneider at
    • Nancy Wiegand wiegand at

[12:02] MikeBennett: Also we can expect to be able to contact Amanda and Simon - not sure why not on that list.

[12:06] MikeBennett: We need only 9 more assignments of reviewers

[12:06] MikeBennett: Pete Yim is retired so we won't include him.

[12:06] MikeBennett: Leo as editor of the Journal we should probably not include.

[12:10] MikeBennett: Who is left: Andrea, Brandon, Elie, Frank, Bill(?), Mike, Robert(?), Stefano, Todd, Nancy (? may not be her domain?), Amanda, Simon

[12:11] MikeBennett: Leaving Leo off the list as he has so many other resonibilities.

[12:12] MikeBennett: Naicong - Gary will look for her latest address.

[12:12] Gary Berg-Cross: Naicong Li <>

[12:14] MikeBennett: Web: nothing new on the IAOA broader website issue. They will contract someone for that.

[12:14] MikeBennett: Same URI - different machine?

[12:15] MikeBennett: also the SWAO website does not need to be under theirs.

[12:15] MikeBennett: If the IAOA are movign their thing to another server, then the existing SWAO one will vanish anyway, even given the FTP login we needed.

[12:16] MikeBennett: Ken will see about setting up so that on the new arrangement, we can have multiple sites hosted against that URI, sinclug beign able to put the SWAO thing on a different server.

[12:17] MikeBennett: Have we kept a copy of the SWAO pages.

[12:18] MikeBennett: When is all this happening? Not for at least 4 weeks when the budget is approved, and then at least another 4 weeks to approve the budget, so min 8 weeks to even start a thing

[12:18] MikeBennett: Where are we now?

[12:18] MikeBennett: do we have the FTP details?

[12:19] MikeBennett: Whatever FTP login Naicong was previously using, is not one that will currently work. We think.

[12:20] MikeBennett: Existing pages captured now, by Ken.

[12:20] MikeBennett: Until then we have only this wiki.

[12:21] MikeBennett: So there is nothing we can do about the wrongness of the Call for Papers page on the SWAO page at this time.

[12:21] MikeBennett: Can add Naicong to the list of potential reviewers.

[12:21] MikeBennett: IS it worth seeing is Naicong's previous access to the SWAO site is still workable, or are we confident that that doesn't work?

[12:22] MikeBennett: We are confident that that doesn't work.

[12:24] MikeBennett: The blog question:

[12:25] MikeBennett: We have at least one member who we want to be able to contribute, who was not willing to register with Google, our chosen platform. Won't this be the case with any public platform?

[12:25] MikeBennett: Yes. An alternative is to set it up on a server that we control.

[12:26] MikeBennett: That seems to be the only option if we want people to be able to contribute who would not register for an ID on some or another public platform.

[12:26] MikeBennett: When can this be done by?

[12:27] MikeBennett: It will not take very long. Will be an install of Wordpress which includes website creation and blog functionality.

[12:28] MikeBennett: So we can use it for the SWAO site static content as well (this won't be pointed to by IAOA until the above actions are done but they can be built sooner)

[12:29] MikeBennett: so these can be up and runnign sooner than above, and will be referenced as

[12:29] MikeBennett: Can transfer (the static SWAO pages) over once IAOA has their thing set up.

[12:30] MikeBennett: This will all be on the cloud so moving things around is pretty routine.

[12:31] MikeBennett: Things are very quiet on the blog - there is more of this kind of content in the ontolog forum mailing list. Need the blog to be specific to our SIG.

[12:32] MikeBennett: Bearing in mind that the SIG came out of the Ontology Summit. Will it help to post to the 2014 Ontology Summit mailing list?

[12:32] MikeBennett: Is there is a separate mailing for each Summit? No, it's one list for the Summit.

[12:33] MikeBennett: So we are lookign at posting an invitation to people to participate more acatively in this SWAO, via a mail to the Ontology Summit mailing list. But we need to avoid crossed wires witht he ongoing current Summit.

[12:33] MikeBennett: Or is there a subscriber list from 2014?

[12:34] MikeBennett: This would be after we have such a blog.

[12:35] MikeBennett: AoB?

[12:35] MikeBennett: What happens between now and the next meeting? What are the things we can expect to see happen?

[12:35] MikeBennett: 1. Allocating the remaining reviewers

[12:36] MikeBennett: 2. Seeing reviews back from people

[12:36] MikeBennett: Potentially, allocate further reviewers if some of the ones on the existing list say No.

[12:36] MikeBennett: (we have 3 or 4 fall-back persons at the moment)

[12:38] MikeBennett:

  • 15 April, 2016: Notification to Authors
  • 15 May, 2016: Camera-ready Due


Previous Meetings

... further results