Ontolog Forum
Number | 60 |
Duration | 1 hour |
Date/Time | November 5 2018 18:30 GMT |
10:30 PST/1:30pm EST | |
6:30pm GMT/7:30pm CET | |
Convener | Mike Bennett |
IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG
Meetings are normally on the first Monday of the month at these times.
- We will use GoToMeeting for this meeting - details at Connection Details
- Summer Time has ended in both the US and Europe
1. Housekeeping
- SIG Website(s) and wiki
2. Events
- Finance and ontology event in Summer 2019 (joint with others - how can SWAO help?)
- Shared events calendar - next steps
3. Discussion of new initiatives
- There is still seemingly a significant gulf between Applied Ontology and Semantic Web perceptions of ontology; how can this SIG work to bridge the gap, identify commonalities etc.?
- IOF Liaison / actions
- Definitions of ontology and related terms – see IAOA glossary
- Blogging?
- Networking – e.g. NE University contacts; CDO group in Boston; MITIQ; OMG Academic Liaison WG; Accounting (XBRL etc.) groups
4. AOB
5. Next Meeting
[13:38] MikeBennett: Actions from last time:
[13:38] MikeBennett: Events spreadsheet - not done yet (MB)
[13:38] MikeBennett: Ken's actions: Checked with North Eastern on use of space for the Summer event.
[13:39] MikeBennett: Expensive at USD $360 per day per room (discounted rate for non external, which they are counting us as).
[13:40] MikeBennett: What does the shape of the event look like (Michael Gruninger's event).
[13:40] MikeBennett: Counter-proposal is to have this co-located with JOWO.
[13:40] MikeBennett: These are to be held in Germany.
[13:41] MikeBennett: Has anyone spoken to Michael G about the Financial ontology event specifically.
[13:41] MikeBennett: This is based on feedback at the IAOA EC based on the rates cited for North Eastern.
[13:41] MikeBennett: At the JOWO event, the facilities would be free.
[13:43] MikeBennett: Other actions: try o contact folks in the Finance group at North Eastern. Done, got zero response. Not interested in ontologies or FIBO.
[13:43] MikeBennett: Ken got an email from the EDM Council about a FIBO group.
[13:44] MikeBennett: This would be the new FIBO User Group set up by Mike Atkin
[13:52] MikeBennett: Networking: new OMG academic liaison WG - worth connecting to?
[13:57] MikeBennett: MB to set up an intro email between Ken B and Claude Baudoin of the OMG Academic WG.
[14:02] MikeBennett: There is an IAOA group dealing with standards liaison. Seems to have faded away of late.
[14:03] MikeBennett: So if the OMG liaison seems fruitful one can take this to that WG?
[14:04] MikeBennett: This group has been more focused on how standards define terms (thereby, implicitly defining an ontology)
[14:05] MikeBennett: Conversely, a good ontology should be a standard for its domain.
[14:06] MikeBennett: This IAOA WG was intended to progress this idea.
[14:10] MikeBennett: IAOA Glossary
[14:10] MikeBennett: This is maintained by the Education Committee.
[14:11] MikeBennett: The EdC is looking for a new chair. Meeting this Wednesday (10am EST)
[14:11] MikeBennett: Do we have any actions on this?
[14:11] MikeBennett: Review the Wikipedia page on that. Make sure up to date and reasonable; send feedback.
[14:11] MikeBennett: Can also edit those pages.
[14:12] MikeBennett: Would Maria mind or should we tell her first?
[14:12] MikeBennett: TS: Look at the existing list of terms ad see if these are adequate.
[14:13] MikeBennett: Aim was to provide the most common definition definitions.
[14:13] MikeBennett: Also have citations for those definitions.
[14:13] MikeBennett: This set of pages is still being run at UCT in Cape Town.
[14:14] MikeBennett: KB may propose bringing this into the existing IAOA wiki structures.
[14:15] MikeBennett: The IAOA site is on Digital Ocean and is professionally managed as to server support.
[14:15] MikeBennett: KB may attend the EdC meeting and suggest this.
[14:20] ToddSchneider: "Deep Learning for Ontology Reasoning", Patrick Hohenecker, Thomas Lukasiewicz