
Ontolog Forum

Mariana Belgiu

Mariana Belgiu, PhD

Department of Geoinformatics - Z_GIS,

University of Salzburg


email: mariana.belgiu2 [at]


Dr. Mariana Belgiu obtained her PhD degree from the University of Salzburg, Austria in 2014. Her Dissertation, entitled "Formal ontologies for extracting information from remotely sensed data", evaluated the utilization of formal ontologies to narrowing down the semantic gap between contextual expert knowledge (high-level concepts) and remotely-sensed data (low-level features). Mariana is currently working as a researcher at the Department of Geoinformatics-Z_GIS, University of Salzburg and lecturer within the UNIGIS study program. Her research interests include: ontologies, remote sensing and Spatial Data Infrastructure.

... Mariana, at your convenience, please edit and expand on this page, and keep it updated so the community can get to know you better. Welcome! ... (read this if it's your first time editing the Ontolog wiki.) =ppy