
Ontolog Forum

Andrew U. Frank

Andrew U. Frank is professor emeritus from the TU Wien; different aspects of ontology were crucial to the research he conducted at ETH Zurich (doctoral dissertation), University of Maine (as head of the local branch of the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis) and later at the Geoinformation research group at TU Wien. His research interest covered many aspects of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), starting with his Ph.D. thesis at ETH Zurich in 1983 on "Semantic, topological and spatial relations". With David Mark he organized a conference in Las Navas del Marques on "Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space" in 1989. He published with the late Peter Burrough "Geographic Objects with Indeterminate Boundaries". Recently, he edited some of his articles as an inexpensive book "Mountains, Men and Money – Ontology for Geographic and Spatio-Temporal Information Systems: Contesting Ontology by Engineering – Writings 1996-2007" (available from Amazon). His current interest is in applying ontology to natural language texts, specifically corpora of literary text.
