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OntologySummit2010: Future "Quality" - community input

This is the workspace for community input to the focused discussion outlined below ...

Track Label: Quality - Subtrack Label: Future

Track Co-champions: BarrySmith, NicolaGuarino and FabianNeuhaus

Mission: The track mission is to formulate a strategy to create high quality delivery mechanisms to create the high quality ontologists of the future, with a fully developed self-understanding of the discipline and quality evaluation mechanisms (including examinations) designed to advance the discipline of ontology in the future.

Pertinent questions:

  • How will training and educational programs and institutions delivering these programs be accredited?
  • What forms of certification should be used?
  • What other forms of quality control may be relevant to the track mission?


(Please insert your remarks below. Kindly identify yourself and date you input.)

  • How do we measure the Quality of Ontology Content, Such as Completeness, Relevance, Extent to which the Requirements have been met, etc.? Metrics relating to these that can then form the Quality related content for training the future ontologist. Examples from other disciplines are: what are the criteria for an independent validation and verification (IV&V) expert, for zero-defect production specialist (SME) and what Risks and Failure modes of Ontology solutions have been addressed / mitigated, similar crteria ought to be some aspects in the Quality training for the ontoloist of future. (RaviSharma 2010 Feb 11.)
  • This is a test. (-PeterYim / 2009.12.16-07:30 PST)