
Ontolog Forum

Number 43
Duration 1 hour
Date/Time May 1 2017 17:30 GMT
10:30 PST/1:30pm EST
6:30pm BST/7:30pm CEST
Convener MikeBennett

IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG

Meetings are normally on the first Monday of the month at these times.


  • Issue of the Journal of Applied Ontology
    • Status update
    • Revised Papers status and progress
  • AOB
  • Next Meeting


1. AO Special Edition Actions

Details are in the working Word document for these.

Several papers now appear to be in the “System” but have not appeared in the Editors Queue

There are about 14 reviews still to do (on 6 papers).

Two papers may or may not have been submitted and are not in the Editor’s Queue (resubmissions by Ken and by Till)

Action: MB to email Till about resubmission

Action: MB to email Ken about resubmission x2

One paper submitted today (resubmission, Andrea); we have the number. Not yet in Editors Queue

One paper submitted about 2 months ago (Bennett, Hackathon) and has not surfaced in the Editors queue. Was not a resubmission.

Action: MB to email AO editors about missing (x2) and potentially missing / expected papers (x3).

Todd: Is the Bennett paper on Methodology, one that can be submitted separately to the Journal?

On discussion, it sounds like it does belong in this edition.

Action: MB to send slides on this (as presennnted at Atlanta etc) to Todd.

2. Housekeeping, Blog etc.

Recorded on SoapHub chat log, below

MikeBennett: Housekeeping

MikeBennett: Main page for the SIG on IAOA still points t old stuff.

MikeBennett: Reason: they are still in the process of porting the IAOA site over.

MikeBennett: Do we have a blog page?

MikeBennett: The ones we had for the Summit we pre-created by Ken

MikeBennett: So we are none the wiser in terms of how to originate a blog page

MikeBennett: This and the lack of a link from the IAOA main page are not dependent on each other.

MikeBennett: So how soon can we learn how to originate a blog page for this SIG?

MikeBennett: This is one for Ken.

MikeBennett: Andrea may have originated such a blog page after all.

MikeBennett: This was created juste this minute. IT is at


MikeBennett: The content (conversation starters etc.) can now be brought forward from the old Wordpress blog page.

MikeBennett: Although some of those are a bit old now.

MikeBennett: AoB?

MikeBennett: None


MikeBennett: MB has updated meeting notice info to have the link to the SWAP landing page

MikeBennett: There is now a link to the blog from the landing page

MikeBennett: So we are good

MikeBennett: Tested links on landing page - all good

MikeBennett: Meeting ended 14:23ET


    • ToddSchneider
    • AndreaWesterinen
    • MikeBennett

Previous Meetings

... further results